Falapepe & Epaepa

Aoga Amata Transnational
Aotearoa Ltd
“O tu, aganu'u, ma agaifanua, a le tamatiti o le a lē mafai ona ulufale atu i le potuaoga sei vagana ua fa'atauaina ma fa'aulufaleina muamua i le loto ma le agaga o le faiaoga”
The culture of the child cannot enter the classroom until it has first entered the consciousness of the teacher

Philosophy – AATA LTD
AATA believes in the mana of children’s cultural identity and wellbeing which are critical to maintain and nurture Pacific indigenous ways of being, relating and knowing in the world.
We believe in nurturing children to sustain their wellbeing, genealogy and spiritual existence. We believe in serving Pacific communities both within Aotearoa and abroad, encouraging connection between communities and taking care of relationships that enable collective aspirations for children. We believe that children are the knowledge holders for their future generations in cultural intelligence.
O Aoga Amata o upega e filifolau le aogā (Samoan ECE are nets that have transnational purpose). Wherever Samoa people reside, Aoga Amata has the potential to support children’s cultural identities.

Our Lalaga Videos
In the Samoan culture involves weaving mats known as ietoga to mark important milestones in one's life. These mats are woven by village women's groups or individuals in their homes, and are gifted at events like births, weddings, and funerals.